St Andrews Methodist Church

Tel: 0113 2557426

August 2017


To see July's Children's page, please click here




Here's the wordsearch solution from last month, which was based on the Bible story about the wheat and the weeds.




If you print off the children's page, there's plenty of black and white pictures to colour this month - perfect for a rainy afternoon!


The harvest mice are busy!

Although it is still a few weeks until Harvest Festival is celebrated, you might have noticed that harvest itself is well underway. Fruits and vegetables are in abundance and the farmers have been busy in the fields, whether that be harvesting salad or new potatoes, or cutting the barley and wheat with combine harvesters. 

Have a go at the harvest themed wordsearches below!

And now for our monthly Bible stories:



and finally, can you find your way through the harvest mazes?

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